Legal notice
Swiss Investment Corporation Limited is registered in England & Wales No.2820555. The registered office is:
c/o PKF Little john LLP
15 West ferry Circus
Canary Whart
E14 4HD UK
T: +44 7588378271
Liability disclaimer
It is provided on a confidential basis. The information and data presented in this document are not to be considered as an offer or solicitation to buy, sell or subscribe to any securities, financial instruments or product. This document is exclusively intended for EU professional investors and investors who wish to grow their trading portfolio. This document is intended only to provide a general status overview of Swiss -invest company. The recipient of this document should make an independent investigation of the information described herein, including consulting your tax, legal, accounting or other advisors about the matters discussed herein.
The information contained herein is provided for informational purposes only, is not complete, and does not contain certain material information about Swiss-invest company, its affiliates and its products. Information, opinions and estimates expressed in this document reflect a judgment at its original date of publication and are subject to change without notice. We go to extraordinary efforts here at Swiss-invest company to ensure that the data within our trading accounts are accurate and up-to-date. We have unique relationships with many financial institutions who provide us with product information starting from before an official crypto announcement through to its launch. Where possible, we verify this information during our review process. Additionally, we love account management so we're always checking and double checking our data, often in combination with user feedback from you, our readers. If a particular pricing pack is vital to you, we always recommend contacting our support team and the best way to start is by visiting their website directly.
This document may not be reproduced (in whole or in part), transmitted, modified, or used for any public or commercial purpose without the prior written permission of Swiss-invest company.
Zurich, Schweiz